Solidarity: The Feminist Transnational Decolonial Route

Document Type : Original Article


Department of English Language, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University


The rising global feminist solidarity with Palestine proves that borders cannot maintain their power in front of the powerful flow and mobility of liberating and liberatory practices. Palestine is a feminist issue is a vision that drives its legitimacy and validity from the interconnectedness between capitalism/ patriarchy and racism/ coloniality. Therefore, “the decolonial option is the relentless project of getting us all out of the mirage of modernity and the trap of coloniality” as Mignolo states. This paper seeks to investigate how the discursive practices of feminist collectives from the Global North and Global South are bent on confronting the coloniality of power where the world is bifurcated into two zones: human/ non-human, and subject/ object. This binary facilitates two forms of coloniality: coloniality of knowledge, manifested in epistemicides; and coloniality of being of which dehumanizing the indigenous is a stark example. To understand how feminist thought and activism are carving a decolonial path, the paper reads several feminist statements of solidarity with Palestine. These statements employ a discourse that argues “Palestine is a feminist issue.” It is a strategy that is reminiscent of Black feminists whose struggle revolved around acknowledging racism as a feminist issue. Consequently, in their accumulation, these statements cross borders- geopolitical, mental, ethnic- to “de-link from the tyranny of abstract universals."
